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On 1 July 2021 the One-Stop Shop (OSS) directive for e-commerce came into force. This will require us to apply the V.A.T. rate corresponding to the destination country of the shipment. Our location
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Economy for the Common Good and our company.

Economy for the Common Good and our company.

Ruth Palomero 17936 18 September 2019

My initial motivation for starting this online citrus store was to become self-employed during difficult times of crisis, while also having to balance my work life with taking care of two daughters aged 1 and 5. My intention was to sell the tangerines from my father-in-law's orchard at a fair price that he and the majority of Valencian farmers had not been paid for years.

Our project (mine and my husband's) has been based from the beginning on a sense of effort and good work in our job, as well as on contributing to social justice and protecting nature. All of this has brought us to where we are today. As a company now, in addition to producing our own oranges and tangerines, we sell those from other farmers in our area and employ a respectable number of workers. We have not forgotten our initial goals; we continue to hold them on the horizon, treating our farmers and workers the same way we would have liked to be treated ourselves. It's as simple as that.

We are very pleased that our business is successful, but even more so in showing society that doing things in a company based on criteria of social justice and environmental sustainability not only works but is also part of the path toward a sustainable economy and a better society. We believe that companies should not be governed solely by a profit and loss statement, but that how these results are achieved is also important.

And I'm sharing all of this because a couple of years ago, I learned about the Economy for the Common Good(ECG) movement (, and this year we have decided to commission a balance sheet for our company, the results of which we are publishing for you to see (balance). We don't want to boast about anything; we know there are aspects that can be significantly improved, especially given the breadth and thoroughness of the indicators collected. However, as consumers, in our family, we believe that it is increasingly necessary to know how companies operate, what place the dignity of their workers occupies, the ethics of their suppliers, environmental sustainability, and so on. With the information we are presenting, we hope our customers will learn more about us and perceive our commitment to continuous improvement within the framework of the common good.

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